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React to Changes - Swift SDK

On this page

  • Register a Realm Change Listener
  • Register a Collection Change Listener
  • Register an Object Change Listener
  • Register a Key Path Change Listener
  • Realm Collections
  • Write Silently
  • Stop Watching for Changes
  • Key-value Observation
  • Key-value Observation Compliance
  • Managed vs. Unmanaged KVO Considerations
  • Observing Realm Lists
  • React to Changes on a Different Actor
  • React to Changes to a Class Projection
  • Notification Delivery
  • Perform Writes Only on a Different Thread than the Observing Thread
  • Perform Writes on the Observing Thread, Outside of Notifications
  • Perform Writes Inside of Notifications
  • Updating a UITableView Based on Notifications
  • Change Notification Limits

All Realm objects are live objects, which means they automatically update whenever they're modified. Realm emits a notification event whenever any property changes. You can register a notification handler to listen for these notification events, and update your UI with the latest data.

This page shows how to manually register notification listeners in Swift. Atlas Device SDK for Swift offers SwiftUI property wrappers to make it easy to automatically update the UI when data changes. For more about how to use the SwiftUI property wrappers to react to changes, refer to Observe an Object.

You can register a notification handler on an entire realm. Realm calls the notification handler whenever any write transaction involving that Realm is committed. The handler receives no information about the change.

You can register a notification handler on a collection within a realm.

Realm notifies your handler:

  • After first retrieving the collection.

  • Whenever a write transaction adds, changes, or removes objects in the collection.

Notifications describe the changes since the prior notification with three lists of indices: the indices of the objects that were deleted, inserted, and modified.


Order Matters

In collection notification handlers, always apply changes in the following order: deletions, insertions, then modifications. Handling insertions before deletions may result in unexpected behavior.

Collection notifications provide a change parameter that reports which objects are deleted, added, or modified during the write transaction. This RealmCollectionChange resolves to an array of index paths that you can pass to a UITableView's batch update methods.


High-frequency updates

This example of a collection change listener does not support high-frequency updates. Under an intense workload, this collection change listener may cause the app to throw an exception.

You can register a notification handler on a specific object within a realm. Realm notifies your handler:

  • When the object is deleted.

  • When any of the object's properties change.

The handler receives information about what fields changed and whether the object was deleted.

New in version 10.12.0.

In addition to registering a notification handler on an object or collection, you can pass an optional string keyPaths parameter to specify the key path or key paths to watch.


// Define the dog class.
class Dog: Object {
@Persisted var name = ""
@Persisted var favoriteToy = ""
@Persisted var age: Int?
var objectNotificationToken: NotificationToken?
func objectNotificationExample() {
let dog = Dog() = "Max"
dog.favoriteToy = "Ball"
dog.age = 2
// Open the default realm.
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
// Observe notifications on some of the object's key paths. Keep a strong
// reference to the notification token or the observation will stop.
// Invalidate the token when done observing.
objectNotificationToken = dog.observe(keyPaths: ["favoriteToy", "age"], { change in
switch change {
case .change(let object, let properties):
for property in properties {
print("Property '\(' of object \(object) changed to '\(property.newValue!)'")
case .error(let error):
print("An error occurred: \(error)")
case .deleted:
print("The object was deleted.")
// Now update to trigger the notification
try! realm.write {
dog.favoriteToy = "Frisbee"
// When you specify one or more key paths, changes to other properties
// do not trigger notifications. In this example, changing the "name"
// property does not trigger a notification.
try! realm.write { = "Maxamillion"

New in version 10.14.0.

You can observe a partially type-erased PartialKeyPath on Objects or RealmCollections.

objectNotificationToken = dog.observe(keyPaths: [\Dog.favoriteToy, \Dog.age], { change in

When you specify keyPaths, only changes to those keyPaths trigger notification blocks. Any other changes do not trigger notification blocks.


Consider a Dog object where one of its properties is a list of siblings:

class Dog: Object {
@Persisted var name = ""
@Persisted var siblings: List<Dog>
@Persisted var age: Int?

If you pass siblings as a keyPath to observe, any insertion, deletion, or modification to the siblings list would trigger a notification. However, a change to would not trigger a notification, unless you explicitly observed [""].


Multiple notification tokens on the same object which filter for separate key paths do not filter exclusively. If one key path change is satisfied for one notification token, then all notification token blocks for that object will execute.

When you observe key paths on the various collection types, expect these behaviors:

  • LinkingObjects:: Observing a property of the LinkingObject triggers a notification for a change to that property, but does not trigger notifications for changes to its other properties. Insertions or deletions to the list or the object that the list is on trigger a notification.

  • Lists: Observing a property of the list's object will triggers a notification for a change to that property, but does not trigger notifications for changes to its other properties. Insertions or deletions to the list or the object that the list is on trigger a notification.

  • Map: Observing a property of the map's object triggers a notification for a change to that property, but does not trigger notifications for changes to its other properties. Insertions or deletions to the Map or the object that the map is on trigger a notification. The change parameter reports, in the form of keys within the map, which key-value pairs are added, removed, or modified during each write transaction.

  • MutableSet: Observing a property of a MutableSet's object triggers a notification for a change to that property, but does not trigger notifications for changes to its other properties. Insertions or deletions to the MutableSet or the object that the MutableSet is on trigger a notification.

  • Results: Observing a property of the Result triggers a notification for a change to that property, but does not trigger notifications for changes to its other properties. Insertions or deletions to the Result trigger a notification.

You can write to a realm without sending a notification to a specific observer by passing the observer's notification token in an array to realm.write(withoutNotifying:_:):


Observation stops when the token returned by an observe call becomes invalid. You can explicitly invalidate a token by calling its invalidate() method.


Retain Tokens as Long as You Want to Observe

Notifications stop if the token is in a local variable that goes out of scope.

Realm objects are key-value observing (KVO) compliant for most properties:

  • Almost all managed (non-ignored) properties on Object subclasses

  • The invalidated property on Object and List

You cannot observe LinkingObjects properties via Key-value observation.


You cannot add an object to a realm (with realm.add(obj) or similar methods) while it has any registered observers.

Observing the properties of unmanaged instances of Object subclasses works like any other dynamic property.

Observing the properties of managed objects works differently. With realm-managed objects, the value of a property may change when:

  • You assign to it

  • The realm is refreshed, either manually with realm.refresh() or automatically on a runloop thread

  • You begin a write transaction after changes on another thread

Realm applies changes made in the write transaction(s) on other threads at once. Observers see Key-value observation notifications at once. Intermediate steps do not trigger KVO notifications.


Say your app performs a write transaction that increments a property from 1 to 10. On the main thread, you get a single notification of a change directly from 1 to 10. You won't get notifications for every incremental change between 1 and 10.

Avoid modifying managed Realm objects from within observeValueForKeyPath(_:ofObject:change:context:). Property values can change when not in a write transaction, or as part of beginning a write transaction.

Observing changes made to Realm List properties is simpler than NSMutableArray properties:

  • You don't have to mark List properties as dynamic to observe them.

  • You can call modification methods on List directly. Anyone observing the property that stores it gets a notification.

You don't need to use mutableArrayValueForKey(_:), although realm does support this for code compatibility.


See also:

Examples of using Realm with ReactiveCocoa from Objective-C, and ReactKit from Swift.

You can observe notifications on a different actor. Calling await object.observe(on: Actor) or await collection.observe(on: Actor) registers a block to be called each time the object or collection changes.

// Create a simple actor
actor BackgroundActor {
public func deleteTodo(tsrToTodo tsr: ThreadSafeReference<Todo>) throws {
let realm = try! Realm()
try realm.write {
// Resolve the thread safe reference on the Actor where you want to use it.
// Then, do something with the object.
let todoOnActor = realm.resolve(tsr)
// Execute some code on a different actor - in this case, the MainActor
func mainThreadFunction() async throws {
let backgroundActor = BackgroundActor()
let realm = try! await Realm()
// Create a todo item so there is something to observe
try await realm.asyncWrite {
realm.create(Todo.self, value: [
"_id": ObjectId.generate(),
"name": "Arrive safely in Bree",
"owner": "Merry",
"status": "In Progress"
// Get the collection of todos on the current actor
let todoCollection = realm.objects(Todo.self)
// Register a notification token, providing the actor where you want to observe changes.
// This is only required if you want to observe on a different actor.
let token = await todoCollection.observe(on: backgroundActor, { actor, changes in
print("A change occurred on actor: \(actor)")
switch changes {
case .initial:
print("The initial value of the changed object was: \(changes)")
case .update(_, let deletions, let insertions, let modifications):
if !deletions.isEmpty {
print("An object was deleted: \(changes)")
} else if !insertions.isEmpty {
print("An object was inserted: \(changes)")
} else if !modifications.isEmpty {
print("An object was modified: \(changes)")
case .error(let error):
print("An error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// Update an object to trigger the notification.
// This example triggers a notification that the object is deleted.
// We can pass a thread-safe reference to an object to update it on a different actor.
let todo = todoCollection.where {
$ == "Arrive safely in Bree"
let threadSafeReferenceToTodo = ThreadSafeReference(to: todo)
try await backgroundActor.deleteTodo(tsrToTodo: threadSafeReferenceToTodo)
// Invalidate the token when done observing

For more information about change notifications on another actor, refer to Observe Notifications on a Different Actor.

Like other realm objects, you can react to changes to a class projection. When you register a class projection change listener, you see notifications for changes made through the class projection object directly. You also see notifications for changes to the underlying object's properties that project through the class projection object.

Properties on the underlying object that are not @Projected in the class projection do not generate notifications.

This notification block fires for changes in:

  • Person.firstName property of the class projection's underlying Person object, but not changes to Person.lastName or Person.friends.

  • PersonProjection.firstName property, but not another class projection that uses the same underlying object's property.

let realm = try! Realm()
let projectedPerson = realm.objects(PersonProjection.self).first(where: { $0.firstName == "Jason" })!
let token = projectedPerson.observe(keyPaths: ["firstName"], { change in
switch change {
case .change(let object, let properties):
for property in properties {
print("Property '\(' of object \(object) changed to '\(property.newValue!)'")
case .error(let error):
print("An error occurred: \(error)")
case .deleted:
print("The object was deleted.")
// Now update to trigger the notification
try! realm.write {
projectedPerson.firstName = "David"

Notification delivery can vary depending on:

  • Whether or not the notification occurs within a write transaction

  • The relative threads of the write and the observation

When your application relies on the timing of notification delivery, such as when you use notifications to update a UITableView, it's important to understand the specific behaviors for your application code's context.

Reading an observed collection or object from inside a change notification always accurately tells you what has changed in the collection passed to the callback since the last time the callback was invoked.

Reading collections or objects outside of change notifications always gives you the exact same values you saw in the most recent change notification for that object.

Reading objects other than the observed one inside a change notification may see a different value prior to the notification for that change being delivered. Realm refresh brings the entire realm from 'old version' to 'latest version' in one operation. However, there might have been multiple change notifications fired between 'old version' and 'latest version'. Inside a callback, you may see changes that have pending notifications.

Writes on different threads eventually become visible on the observing thread. Explicitly calling refresh() blocks until the writes made on other threads are visible and the appropriate notifications have been sent. If you call refresh() within a notification callback, it's a no-op.

At the start of the write transaction all behaviors above apply to this context. Additionally, you can expect to always see the latest version of the data.

Inside a write transaction, the only changes you see are those you've made so far within the write transaction.

Between committing a write transaction and the next set of change notifications being sent, you can see the changes you made in the write transaction, but no other changes. Writes made on different threads do not become visible until you receive the next set of notifications. Performing another write on the same thread sends notifications for the previous write first.

When you perform writes within notifications, you see many of the same behaviors above, with a few exceptions.

Callbacks invoked before the one that performed a write behave normally. While Realm invokes change callbacks in a stable order, this is not strictly the order in which you added the observations.

If beginning the write refreshes the realm, which can happen if another thread is making writes, this triggers recursive notifications. These nested notifications report the changes made since the last call to the callback. For callbacks before the one making the write, this means the inner notification reports only the changes made after the ones already reported in the outer notification. If the callback making the write tries to write again in the inner notification, Realm throws an exception. The callbacks after the one making the write get a single notification for both sets of changes.

After the callback completes the write and returns, Realm does not invoke any of the subsequent callbacks as they no longer have any changes to report. Realm provides a notification later for the write as if the write had happened outside of a notification.

If beginning the write doesn't refresh the realm, the write happens as usual. However, Realm invokes the subsequent callbacks in an inconsistent state. They continue to report the original change information, but the observed object/collection now includes the changes from the write made in the previous callback.

If you try to perform manual checks and write handling to get more fine-grained notifications from within a write transaction, you can get notifications nested more than two levels deep. An example of a manual write handling is checking realm.isInWriteTransaction, and if so making changes, calling realm.commitWrite() and then realm.beginWrite(). The nested notifications and potential for error make this manual manipulation error-prone and difficult to debug.

You can use the writeAsync API to sidestep complexity if you don't need fine-grained change information from inside your write block. Observing an async write similar to this provides notifications even if the notification happens to be delivered inside a write transaction:

let token = dog.observe(keyPaths: [\Dog.age]) { change in
guard case let .change(dog, _) = change else { return }
dog.realm!.writeAsync {
dog.isPuppy = dog.age < 2

However, because the write is async the realm may have changed between the notification and when the write happens. In this case, the change information passed to the notification may no longer be applicable.

If you only update a UITableView via notifications, in the time between a write transaction and the next notification arriving, the TableView's state is out of sync with the data. The TableView could have a pending update scheduled, which can appear to cause delayed or inconsistent updates.

You can address these behaviors in a few ways.

The following examples use this very basic UITableViewController.

class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
let realm = try! Realm()
let results = try! Realm().objects(DemoObject.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "date")
var notificationToken: NotificationToken!
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableView.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell")
notificationToken = results.observe { (changes: RealmCollectionChange) in
switch changes {
case .initial:
case .update(_, let deletions, let insertions, let modifications):
// Always apply updates in the following order: deletions, insertions, then modifications.
// Handling insertions before deletions may result in unexpected behavior.
self.tableView.deleteRows(at: { IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }, with: .automatic)
self.tableView.insertRows(at: { IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }, with: .automatic)
self.tableView.reloadRows(at: { IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }, with: .automatic)
case .error(let err):
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return results.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let object = results[indexPath.row]
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath)
cell.textLabel?.text = object.title
return cell
func delete(at index: Int) throws {
try realm.write {

Updating the UITableView directly without waiting for a notification provides the most responsive UI. This code updates the TableView immediately instead of requiring hops between threads, which add a small amount of lag to each update. The downside is that it requires frequent manual updates to the view.

func delete(at index: Int) throws {
try realm.write(withoutNotifying: [notificationToken]) {
tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .automatic)

Forcing a refresh() after a write provides the notifications from the write immediately rather than on a future run of the run loop. There's no window for the TableView to read out-of-sync values.

The downside is that this means things we recommend doing in the background, such as writing, rerunning the query and re-sorting the results, happen on the main thread. When these operations are computationally expensive, this can cause delays on the main thread.

func delete(at index: Int) throws {
try realm.write {

Performing a write on a background thread blocks the main thread for the least amount of time. However, the code to perform a write on the background requires more familiarity with Realm's threading model and Swift DispatchQueue usage. Since the write doesn't happen on the main thread, the main thread never sees the write before the notifications arrive.

func delete(at index: Int) throws {
func delete(at index: Int) throws {
@ThreadSafe var object = results[index] {
guard let object = object else { return }
let realm = object.realm!
try! realm.write {
if !object.isInvalidated {

Changes in nested documents deeper than four levels down do not trigger change notifications.

If you have a data structure where you need to listen for changes five levels down or deeper, workarounds include:

  • Refactor the schema to reduce nesting.

  • Add something like "push-to-refresh" to enable users to manually refresh data.

In the Swift SDK, you can also use key path filtering to work around this limitation. This feature is not available in the other SDKs.
